Flow Studies Vol. 1 for Trumpet - Cichowicz

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The Vincent Cichowicz Flow Studies-Volume One book features the first 40 flow studies along with a foreword by Larry Knoop, principal trumpet in the Vancouver Symphony, a 10+ page interview with Vincent Cichowicz by Bruce Briney, a reminiscence from Frank Kaderabeck about his and Vince’s longtime friendship as colleagues in the CSO, as well as a CD with 39 of the 40 flow studies performed by Neal Bernsten, Larry Black, Bruce Briney, Robert Dorer, Mark Hughes, Larry Knoop, Tom Rolfs, Judy Saxton, David Vonderheide & Eric Yates; all former students of Vincent Cichowicz. It also includes an excerpt from one of Mr. Cichowicz’ master classes.